To Make a BIG Difference, Start by Tweaking Just One Tiny Little Thing
/To Make a BIG Difference, Start by Tweaking Just One Tiny Little Thing
In my "other" life, I spend a lot of time helping hard-working professionals like lawyers, accountants and engineers to boost their work performance. And so much of their performance at work depends not just on their training and mentoring but also on their health and wellbeing!
And so much of their health and wellbeing depends on the small, seemingly-insignificant, sometimes mindlessly-automatic micro-choices that we make each month, week, day and hour.
These mindless, automatic daily micro-choices are also known as HABITS - and trust me - they can either serve you well or send you further and further down a spiral of self-sabotage.
When it comes to habits there are two things we can do:
1. break our bad habits; and
2. work on creating and enforcing new, good habits.
Sounds easy right?
Well it can be - if you take a patient, evidence-based approach.
The evidence is clear that baby steps are the key to embedding new habits to help us reach our health and wellbeing goals. You can read about this HERE.
And patience is critical, because the research shows that us humans are hard-wired to save mental bandwidth by routinely engaging in our daily habits. And that we are also hard-wired to strenuously resist change. So that's a double-whammy that we need to overcome if we want to eliminate our bad habits and entrench some new healthier ones in their place.