Why I love Split Peas!
/The humble split pea. Overlooked by chefs and wellness gurus. Here's why it should be on the menu!
And why you should too.....
There's a bit of a food-and-nutrition theme happening on the blog this year. 2016 is International Year of the Pulse and I've been cooking with lots of different pulses and legumes, and researching their health impacts.
Split peas ain't sexy. They don't really feature in gourmet magazines, or in the health blogs either. But they should!
Here are the stats: each 100g of dried peas contains 25g protein and 26g fibre!
25g is the ideal amount of protein to consume with each meal (I'll cover this in a future post!) and the fact is, Australians (and pretty much everyone else) is not consuming anywhere near the amounts of fibre we need for good health. Men should be consuming at least 38g/day and women should be consuming at least 28g/day to reduce heart disease risk.
Split peas don't need to be soaked like other legumes, so they are great if you can't plan ahead. Just throw them into the pot and start cooking!
I'll be sharing one of my fave split pea recipes next Friday!