Do you have a NOT To Do List? *FREE PRINTABLE*
/Do you have a not-to-do list?
As you know I'm on a quest to lead a Healthy, Happy, Wonderful life! So I road test a lot of "life hacks" that I come across in my travels.
This one is very popular among the business and productivity gurus, who like to suggest 9 or 10 things to commit to NOT doing in order to boost your work productivity. I've been practising this all year, but I've taken a much broader approach, looking at all areas of my life.
At the start of each year, my husband and I go on retreat for a few days, review the past year, set intentions, goals and actions for the year ahead. This year, we spent a little extra time looking at the big and little things in our lives that were draining our time or energy, and generally standing between us and our goals.
These formed the basis of our Not To Do List.
I like to focus on the positive, so I thought a Not To Do List might be too negative or defensive. I now see my Not To Do List as essential, as it has freed up so much time and energy that I used to spend on mindless or unnecessary tasks.
So here's what I recommend:
Do you have any habits or situations that are sabotaging you in your quest to achieve your goals? Constantly hitting the snooze button? Staying up too late? Having that second glass of wine? Peering into your phone in the evening instead of engaging with your loved ones? Spending too much time on social media?
Make a list of the things that are making you feel bad about yourself, drain your energy, absorb too much of your time, and generally keep you from living your best life.
For each item you put on your list, imagine what your life would be like if you simply did not do that anymore.
There is something very powerful and liberating about putting these things on a Not To Do List. You are in essence declaring that you are putting your goals, happiness and health first.
I keep my Not To Do List in my journal where I can see it and every day. It's a work in progress!
Some changes were easy. Some are still very much in progress. But the quality of my life has improved so much I just had to share this one!
I have created a FREE PRINTABLE NOT-TO-DO LIST especially for you! It's waiting for you in the Resources Library I created exclusively for my email list members!
If you would like to receive a copy (and get access to all of my other helpful free resources) just CLICK HERE to join my mailing list! In fact, ALL of the FREE PRINTABLES I have created for our Healthy Happy Wonderful tribe are waiting for you in the members section!
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